Dear 30, I earned you.

Dear 30, I earned you.

Tonight is the last night of my twenties.

I’m not sad.

I’m not reluctant.

I’m not mourning the loss of my “youth.”

I’m something else.

I’m excited.

Yep, you read it right.

Excitement. Pure joy!

(And I feel a bit rebellious saying that, too).

Why? Because I EARNED 30.

I am wiser, smarter and stronger now than I was at 21, 25, 29 and all those years before and in between.

To my twenties…

We had a good run. You were a challenge at times, but you were spirited, gracious and memorable. Thank you.

While a part of me will always feel 10-years-old (or at least I hope so), I believe that growing in age, and wisdom, is a blessing.

Whether I’m 30, 51, 75 or 90, I hope I will not wistfully long for a shiny yesterday, but instead bask in the light of the new day.

I earned it, after all.

So hello, thirties.

Let’s do this!