Breaking your funk.

Listen my dear, as I’m writing this post, I’m eating a candy bar in bed. It’s 7 o’clock on a Thursday night. It’s been a funky day. A funky week. And man, I’m just in a funk.

(This chocolate bar is really hitting the spot, by the way).

As you grow up, you’re going to have bad days and sour moods. It happens and it’s just a part of life. Sometimes you’ll have justifiable reasons for your funky mood and sometimes you really won’t. And that’s okay.

What you do need is a *simple* short list for breaking your funk.

Here’s mine:

– Eat chocolate (we already covered that). It’s important to treat yourself when you’re feeling glum!

– Get outside, even just sit on the front porch. Fresh air does a mind good.

– Clean a small area of your home, your car or put away your laundry (makes you feel accomplished).

– Read through old cards, texts, and messages from family and friends (remember that you are loved!)

– Scroll through photos on your phone or on your social media accounts (remember you’re fun and likeable!)

– Listen to Taylor Swift’s Fearless album. Gets me every. single. time.

– Write it out! Doesn’t have to be a blog post. Scribble it on a napkin. Write when you’re happy, mad, angry or sad.

– Admit that you’re in a bad mood. Maybe not to your coworkers…but share it with a family member or friend. It lifts the burden.

– Take a shower. Flush that bad day down the drain!

– Plan out a cute outfit to wear the next day. It’s amazing how what you wear can affect your mood!

– Look forward to something fun you have planned that week, maybe it’s eating out, drinks with a friend…or sleeping in on Saturday morning. 🙂

– Tell yourself that tomorrow is a new day and another opportunity for you to change your perspective.

That last one is the most important. We can’t prevent ourselves from feeling discontent and moody, but we can recognize that it’s a feeling that comes and goes. We can start fresh the next day.

You are bigger than your bad mood, my dear!